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Kelly Cave



Current EdDCT Teachers College Columbia University - Art and Art Education 

2017 MFA University of Cincinnati Fine Arts - Sculpture

2013 BFA Syracuse University - Fiber Arts/Material Studies

Minor in Visual Culture, Minor in Sculpture



2020 Nashua International Sculpture Symposium, Nashua, NH

2019 Gardenship, Kearny Point, NJ

2019 Gilbertsville Expressive Movement, Gilbertsville, NY

2018 Salem2Salem, Salem, Germany

2017 Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, MO

2017 Salem2Salem, Salem Art Works, Salem, NY

2016 AiR Program, Scottish Sculpture Workshop, Lumsden, Scotland

2015 Intern Artist, Franconia Sculpture Park, Shelby, MN

2014 Independent Artist (Foundry Department), Salem Art Works, Salem NY

2013 Artist Intern, Salem Art Works, Salem, NY



2021 Twenty Three Eleven, Unadilla, NY

2021 The Arcadia-Glenside Community Railway, Arcadia Public Art Project, Glenside, PA

2020 Memorial to Midday, Nashua International Sculpture Symposium, Nashua, NH

2019 Trust Me, Gilbertsville Expressive Movement, Gilbertsville, NY

2016 SorryNotSorry, Anderson Township, OH

2015 Ancestral Sin, Carry Hill Sculpture Park, Salem, NY

2015-2018 Part Two of My Reign: In Fiber We Trust, Franconia Sculpture Park, Shelby, MN

2014-2015 Eve, Carry Hill Sculpture Park, Salem, NY

2013 Yarn Guillotine, Carry Hill Sculpture Park, Salem, NY



2019 LittleSCULPTURE Show, Portland, OR

2019 Expressions, Gilbertsville Expressive Movement, Gilbertsville, NY

2018 Traces of Beauty: Mark Making with Ferrous Metals, Marquis Art & Frame, Scranton, PA

2017 Faculty Show, Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, MO

2017 Salem 2017, North Main Gallery, Salem, NY

2017 Directors’ Choice, Reed Gallery, DAAP-University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

2017 Art Children in 3D, Clay Street Press, Cincinnati, OH

2017 DAAP Works MFA Thesis Exhibition, Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, OH

2016 Open Studios, The Waiting Room Gallery, DAAP-University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

2016 Better Than Art, Modern Makers, Cincinnati, OH

2016 Lumsden: Haste Ye Back, 840 Gallery, Cincinnati, OH

2016 Space We Make, Divisible Gallery, Dayton, OH 

2016 POP-UP ART SHOW, Siri’s House, Cincinnati, OH

2016 DAAP Sculpture Showcase (ISDay), Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park&Museum, Hamilton, OH

2016 Winter Pop-Up, The Rare View Gallery, Cincinnati, OH

2016 Size Matters, The Rare View Gallery, Cincinnati, OH

2015 In a Gallery Far, Far away…, Girandola / Wolhoy Studios, Cincinnati, OH

2015 Open Studios, The Rare View Gallery, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

2015 NBOSS, Bennington, VT

2014 Intern, Emerging, and Independent Artist Final Exhibition, Salem Art Works, Salem, NY

2014 Renegade show, Salem Art Works, Salem, NY

2014 Unis: The Origin of the Unicorn, Charles Allis Art Museum, Milwaukee, WI

2014 artDORM + Friends, Gallery 107, North Adams, MA

2014 Ellarslie Open XXXI Juried Exhibit, The Trenton City Museum at Ellarslie, Trenton, NJ

2014 Discretional Intimacy, Spark contemporary Art Space, Syracuse, NY

2014 First Annual Juried Print Exhibition, Artworks Trenton, Trenton, NJ

2013 Intern and Emerging Artist Final Exhibition, Salem Art Works, Salem, NY

2013 Pop Up Show, Salem Art Works, Salem, NY

2013 BFA Final Exhibition, XL Projects, Syracuse, NY

2013 Remnants (A BFA Solo Exhibition), Your Dead Aunts Basements Gallery, Syracuse, NY

2013 Influences: A Journey Through Fiber, Spark contemporary Art Space, Syracuse, NY

2013 Frequency, Coyne Gallery, Syracuse, NY

2013 Textiles: Surface and Structure, Sue & Leon Genet Gallery, Syracuse, NY

2012 A Quite Moment, Bird Library, Syracuse, NY

2012 Everson Museum of Art’s Contemporary Art display showcase. Syracuse, NY

2012 Outdoor Instillation in Lipe Art Park, Syracuse, NY

2012 Syracuse University’s Sustainability Showcase, Syracuse, NY

2012 New Times Window Display, Syracuse, NY

2011 Syracuse University-Florence: End of Semester Exhibition, Florence, Italy

2011 Art All Night, Trenton, NJ

2011 J.J. Smith Gallery Juried Show, Smith Hall, Syracuse, NY

2011 Fashion Communications Milestone Fashion Show, Newhouse, Syracuse, NY

2010 Quad Installation, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY

2010 “Influenced by the Library”, Bird Library, Syracuse, NY

2010 “Influenced by Hotel,” Crown Plaza Hotel, Syracuse, NY

2009 Drawing Juried show, Spark Studio Art Space, Syracuse, NY (2nd place)



2021 ThingSpace Fellow - Teachers College Columbia University

2017 Nippert Award - 3Arts Scholarship Fund

2017 Outstanding Student Award - University of Cincinnati

2016   Wolfstein Travel Fellowship – University of Cincinnati

2016 Mary and William Bonansinga Scholarship – University of Cincinnati

2015 Excellence in Teaching Award for DAAP – University of Cincinnati

2015-2017 Graduate Teaching Fellowship – University of Cincinnati



2021 Guest Lecture, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

2021 Guest Lecture, Arcadia University, Glenside, PA

2018 Visiting Artist and Wax Workshop, Sheridan College, Sheridan, WY

2017 MFA Artist Talks, 21c Museum Hotel, Cincinnati, OH

2016 Panelist / Session Co-Chair, Student Panel: Standing at the Edge, staring into the Abyss, sponsored by the Mid-America College Art Association, Cincinnati, OH

2015 Visiting Artist, Franconia Sculpture Park, Shelby, MN

2014 Visiting Artist, Union College, Schenectady, NY

2013 Visiting Artist, Union College, Schenectady, NY



2019 The Hum of Attraction, The Golden T House, Philadelphia, PA

2017 DAAP Sculpture Showcase (ISDay), Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park&Museum, Hamilton, OH

2016 Lumsden: Haste Ye Back, 840 Gallery, Cincinnati, OH

DAAP Sculpture Showcase (ISDay), Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park&Museum, Hamilton, OH

2015 Pimp My Chair, 840 Gallery, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

AMURICUH, Happy Camper Gallery, Salem, NY

2014 Discretional Intimacy, Spark contemporary Art Space, Syracuse, NY

2013 Remnants, Your Dead Aunts Basement Gallery, Syracuse, NY

Influences: A Journey Through Fiber, Spark contemporary Art Space, Syracuse, NY



2021 Maker-space Technician in ThingSpace at Teachers College Columbia University

In charge of the ThingSpace maker space and provides instruction on digital fabrication tools, wood shop, mold making, metal shop, and sewing.

2020 Adjunct Professor at Rowan University

Professor for the Introduction to Sculpture class

2020 Adjunct Professor at Arcadia University

Professor and Project Coordinator for the Arcadia Public Art Project. An Entrepreneurship class where students and professor collaborate with the community to design and create a Public Sculpture for Glenside, PA. 

2019-Present Committee Member for the International Sculpture Conference

Participate in monthly meetings where decisions are made about panels topics, conference theme, exhibitions, and keynote speakers.

2018-2020 Sculpture Shop Technician at Princeton University

In charge of overseeing the sculpture shop and monitoring students. Gives demonstrations of safe usage of all tools and provides feedback for construction of students’ projects.

2017-2018 Artist in Residence at Northwest Missouri State University

Professor and sculpture shop coordinator for wood and metal. Classes taught: 3-Dimensional Design, Sculpture, Advanced Sculpture, Art Appreciation.

2015-2017 Graduate Teaching Assistant

Sole teacher of undergraduate sculpture-related classes for the University of Cincinnati. In charge of assignment development, grading, and discussion (Classes taught: Introduction to Sculpture, Basic Sculpture for Non-Majors, and Foundations 3D). Participated in Sophomore reviews 

2015 Assistant to the Intern Coordinator at Salem Art Works

In charge of a crew of seven interns while assisting Salem2Salem artists.

2014 Contractor at Mass MoCA

Project coordinator of fabrication for artist Lee Boroson. Responsible for up to five interns a week with tasks including sewing and cutting fabric. Also part of the instillation team for Teresita Fernández: As Above So Below.

2014 Studio Assistant for Matthew Barney Studio

Assistant for the studio with tasks including sand blasting, wood and metal work, and painting for Matthew Barney’s next exhibition: River of Fundament. 

2013 Contractor at The Barnes Foundation

Repaired Looms made by Sebastienne Mundheim for the Crossing Boundaries program for students. 

2013 Contractor at Mass MoCA

Part to the de-instillation team for Xu Bing’s Phoenix and instillation team for Izhar Patkin’s The Wandering Veil. 

2013 Artist Assistant at WRAP (West Rutland Art Park)

Welder, metalworker, and general assistant to the artists involved in the 2013 International Sculpture Symposium

2012-2013 Everson Museum of Art (Syracuse, NY): Education Department Intern

Assisted in the TONY 2012: The Other New York Exhibition along with other upcoming exhibitions. Created activates for children in the Art Zone and completed a Contemporary Art display.

KellyCave Kelly E Cave artist sculpture sculptor metal fiber big public art syracuse cincinnati salem saw iron welding

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